Eleven + West



My Girlfriends Get Valentines

letteringGina PaulsonComment

I have some AMAZING girlfriends. I truly do. Sending them Valentines Day cards has been something that I've done regularly for the last four years. I just love telling them that I love them- that's not too weird, right? So in regular style, I whipped out my paint brush and some pretty pinks and reds and got to making some cute little Valentines for my girlfriends. Because girls rule and boys drool. (Joking fiance man, love you!) (But in all honesty galz, amiright!?) These were watercolored on white envelopes, sealed with a [stamped] kiss and lined with an ivory kissed liner. Sending so much love and a million awkward hugs out to all my girls this Valentines Day. 

My Save The Dates

lifestyle, letteringGina PaulsonComment

This is special. And exciting. And a relief!? 

I finally got my own Save the Dates done! whew! I was incredibly too close to this project and way too picky, so about a kajillion (that's a number) versions later while I was scanning in the ten thousand pages of lettering, I doodled this version down (with no intentions of using it) and of course it was the one we went with. We obviously had to use our AMAZING engagement photos taken by Jordan Voth. I gave the hand-lettered Save the Date a gold foil look since they couldn't actually be printed in gold foil. These were printed on magnets because I LOVE when I get a good magnet- it's like Christmas when a good magnet arrives in the mail! I calligraphed the outside of the envelopes in black ink and just had fun with it. We have no intention of having an extremely formal wedding so the loose and non-traditional style of calligraphy was fitting for us. I had been wanting to make a stamp with my handwriting anyways, so the return stamp was an excellent opportunity to do so. Lastly, I lined the envelopes with a B&W engagement photo and sealed the envelope with some washi tape. I LOVE how they turned out and am very happy with the overall look and feel of them!