Eleven + West



Watercolor Easter Eggs

letteringGina PaulsonComment

Playing around with more Easter eggs and I couldn't resist the urge to watercolor a few for some place settings. Super easy, really fun and anyone can do it. They actually dry really fast too which is awesome. With Easter coming up on Sunday I have been busy prepping for Easter egg hunts, easter table settings and other fun festivities! But as always, the best part of any holiday is just getting to spend time with family. 

Looking forward to this weekend, spending time with friends and family, and celebrating life! Happy Friday, friends! 

Valentines Day Layered Cake

lifestyleGina PaulsonComment

I love cake. I actually love it more than frosting. In fact, growing up- my classroom birthdays often involved a frostingless confetti cake. That's just how I rolled. So when I saw this trend of naked cakes, I was pretty excited. It kind of meets me in the middle between what I truly want (straight up cake hold the frosting) and what normal humans want (extra frosting corner slice, please and thank you) I thought this was the perfect treat for Valentines Day with its red velvet layers and strawberry toppings. 



  • 1 box red velvet cake 

  • 1 box white cake 
  • strawberries 
  • cool whip 


Bake the two cakes as directed in two 8" round pans. Let them cool fully. Then stack them on top of each other with a spread of cool whip and strawberries layered between the cakes. Top with cool whip and strawberries. BOOM, so good. Store this baby in the refrigerator.