Eleven + West



Holiday Vibes at Headquarters

Creative Home, Creative LifestyleGina PaulsonComment

I hope you all are enjoying the holidays and spending lots of time with your family and friends! As those of you who follow along with me know, we purchased a house about a year ago now (yes- its crazy how fast that year went) and spent a few months remodeling it and are finally getting to a point of being content with it. Decorating for the holidays was definitely a good thing for me, and hosting a holiday party was EXACTLY what I needed to get things into place and kick up the festivity! My mom came over one afternoon with some tubs of random garland, ornaments, pinecones, etc. and helped me whip this house into shape. Granted our house is mainly just a kitchen and a living room, I wanted to share a few snippets from it with you guys! (YES, one day I'll finally get my BEFORE/AFTER photos on here- I promise!) I'm totally dreading having to take down the decorations in fear of it looking less cozy around here but I'm sure I'll find something to replace my Christmas Tree and garland! 

I'd LOVE to hear about your holiday decorating, fun ideas and suggestions in the comments or on Instagram @elevenandwest!! Thanks again, friends! CHEERS!