Eleven + West


My SHOP!! | Holiday 2015

Creative Shop, Creative Business TipsGina PaulsonComment

I'm scared! 

First off, HAPPY MONDAY! Let me just take a second to say that I've been really nervous to write this for literally no reason.  But today, I'm SHARING my shop with you guys. It's just a baby, no literally, there's like 10 things. BUT they are a handful of extremely special, magical, heart-filled things that I'm really excited to share with you guys. 

I'm going to be doing a few highlight posts in the next couple of weeks to give you a better look at some of the items I'm so passionate about, but in the meantime, feel free to look around and see what's up. I started working on these around the end of August, just doodling christmas songs and sayings. I've slowly been turning them into products and photographing them and putting them online here but now that its NOVEMBER, I want to broadcast this goodness. Also, Starbucks released their new red cups yesterday so basically this is TOTALLY okay. So, HERE IT IS!! 

I'd love to hear what you guys think and if there is anything you're looking for let me know! I do have a small handful of items that are still on their way and will get added as soon as possible so please do check back in the next 7 weeks! AND- in an all too real and vulnerable moment, I'm going to be honest with you here, the thought of this "shop" has me terrified for some reason. The funny thing is I've been making these kind of things for people for awhile now but when you deem something a "shop" it becomes super real?! I don't know if it's because I've actually put so much time into something or because it's something I'm genuinely excited about it, but even though it's just a little baby shop with a few items, it's terrifying! There was no instruction manual that came with this, and I'll probably make a few errors but this is something I've found so much enjoyment in over the past couple of months and I am just really excited to share it with you guys. I hope you enjoy it ALMOST as much as I have enjoyed creating it. Any thoughts or questions, PLEAAAAASEEE shoot me a message! I would LOVE to hear from you! 

I'm also going to be giving away a few FREE goodies over the next SEVEN weekends but they're going to be sent out to those who are signed up on my NEWSLETTER. So, if you haven't already, be sure to sign up for my newsletter in the sidebar or at the top of my site to receive free goodies + product announcements. I promise not to flood your inbox, share your email, & you can unsubscribe at any time! :) Cheers!